Dog Bite / Attack
We’re here to fight for you.
Getting bitten or attacked by a dog or other animal can be a traumatic and frightening experience that can result in a serious injury. Dog bites can cause deep wounds, produce muscle or nerve damage and possibly permanent scarring.
In cases of dog bites and dog attacks, the owner of the animal is fully responsible for the dog’s actions. If the dog owner has house insurance, the dog bite may be covered under their policy. Hooper Law will fight for you to facilitate recovery of the compensation you deserve, including damages for pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life, out-of-pocket expenses for such items as treatment and prescription drugs, and loss of wages.
Contact us today for your free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.
“At Hooper Law, we are uniquely focused on winning for you. We’re team players and fierce competitors. We hate to lose”
– The Team at Hooper Law
We Fight for What’s Right for You and Your Client
Our legal team is dedicated to fighting for the rights of injured people. If you have a client who needs help with benefits or compensation, you can be confident referring them to Hooper Law.
For a free consultation with our personal injury lawyers, please contact us today. We will answer your questions and help you understand what’s involved in the process. Consultations can be in person, by phone or by video call. Our office is in Hamilton Ontario and we provide services throughout Southern Ontario.
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For a free consultation with our personal injury lawyers, please contact us today. We will answer your questions and help you understand what’s involved in the process.
We provide services throughout Southern Ontario with offices located in Hamilton, Stoney Creek and Grimsby.
If you cannot make it to our office, we will come to your home, hospital or any other location that is convenient for you.